On Writing Routines (Both Day Job or Free-As-A-Bird Types Covered)

Creativity with a day job looks different to without. Or does it?

This is a post chatting about creating a routine for writers, but it could also be relevant to artists, actors, musicians, even creative entrepreneurs types too…

I’ve experienced both writing while in a structured work routine, and writing with no other work commitments. Both are great and you can be fruitful in both. Here’s some musings on each.

Writing Without A Day Job

When I wrote my first novel, I thought it was impossible to maintain a job while a book was pouring out of me – figuratively speaking. And the ‘passionate’ way I was writing at that time… well, it was probably true. I wrote mornings, late nights, in cafes and on my bed and was Consumed with the Story. The first draft was finished about 3 months later. (Then I was tired.)

At that time I was working in marketing (my first grad job after uni) and had an opportunity to renew my job contract. Well, guess who didn’t and just jumped straight into writing a book afterwards…

The pros – You write like the wind. You can focus 100% and get a lot. If you don’t have kids, a mortgage or many responsibilities (and a way to live for a few months) you can venture DEEP in the forest of your story. Smash out a few thousand words every day. And then, hello Messy First Draft!

The cons – After you come up for air, you will need to ease back into life, society and working. Stats say it takes 3-6 months to find a new job. That’s a lot of time behind payslips. Some employers may not understand what you were trying to do, and question the time. This approach works well for those writers who do contract work.

Also, you may feel pressure to write as that’s all you’re doing, trying to focus on, and therefore productivity may not be as high as you’re hoping.

Depending on what kind of personality type you are, this approach may feel quite isolating.

Lastly, if you go too hard during the writing process you may burn out, which is not good. And may require extra time on top of that to get your creative juices flowing again.

Writing With A Day Job

I’ve since made peace with the fact that it’s not only possible but probably advisable for writers to have a day job. Unless you’re in that great place of being able to support yourself with your writing, and with a strong routine and network of people around!

There are a lot of reasons for this, which I will go into. Personally, while my output has been slower with this approach, it has worked out well for me and I see this as a sustainable future. I am fortunate to have a part-time day job, which works even better.

The pros – While you have less time for writing, there is less pressure. As long as you are motivated, this can be a good thing.

Not only is it practical, it can give you income which you can then invest into your writing career. For example, conferences, editor/agent appointments at conferences, professional memberships and writing craft books can all add up.

Another benefit is, you have less time which ironically can make you more efficient.

The fourth good thing about it is you get to meet other people, go to work, leave the house (unless there’s a pandemic happening but even so, there’s phone calls and Microsoft Teams) and generally get that nice “I’ve-seen-another-human” feeling that day.

The cons – Of course, sometimes you will come home and be too tired to write. Some days getting up earlier to write, or beginning to edit after you get home from a work day, is just too tough a slog. (And do give yourself those days off at times.) But, if you can get through it, you’ll feel a sense of satisfaction. Accomplishment. Maybe even a confidence that says, “you know what – nothing can hold me back from achieving my dreams.” (Disclaimer – this is actually a pro.)

The other drawback is you have less time and more to do, so sometimes you’ll have to say no to events and people you like for the purpose of staying on track.

I would love to hear about your own writing routine, or creative routine, in the comments below? What has worked best for you?

Emperor Claudius and His Ally, Barbara

One day there was a cat called Claudius. 

I am the emperor of kingdom.

When he roamed his district, velvety paws making soundless noise, his presence was noted.

And noted by Barbara, an ally from a neighbouring kingdom who welcomed him with offcuts at the back of a shop. Thank you Barbara.

Barbara would beckon and the Cat King meowed thanks for the meat. 

But she needed to be repaid for her homage. 

I should really thank Barbara.

Her kindness stood out as the world changed – female cats now tucked inside with their owners; being patted and fed fake food out of tins like the mockery it was. Oh the ignorance of owners!

He was glad he was not “kept” – confined to awful couches and 6.30pm current affair shows on television and sleeping in laundries and garages.

He left her a mighty gift.

 I hope she likes it.

No need for a card, but the feathers and a half-eaten bird would show ample thanks. 

But he was curious about the tins too. Perhaps he would try it too but first he had to get into a house, even watch the 6.30pm news.

So he followed Barbara home, smelling the cat inside and the shouts of the news anchors screaming. It was 6.30pm and even a king needed the fake food sometimes.

I shall explore my new kingdom but first I will find my throne. Timely, dear reader, there – there is a box on the kitchen floor. If I fit, I shall sit!

If you like my fiction pieces, please consider signing up to my email newsletter to get my writing straight to your inbox! This is always a way to support me as a writer if you like what I do. 🙂

My email newsletter is quarterly and that’s where I give you some “behind the scenes” content and also where I’ll share my fiction pieces in the future.

Thanks for reading, you’re ace!

More Creating, Less Categorising – Why I’m Blogging Again

I recently put hand-to-keyboard and blogged. It had been such a long time – a year – since I’d pressed Publish on a blog.

Honestly, I didn’t think I had anything to say.

No books for you to read (yet…), no huge news (probably like all of us in the year 2020) and maybe a case of writer-comparison-syndrome, which tends to shut down everything else. 

Then I dug deeper, to think about my why. 

The answer surprised me.

Enter stage Perfectionism. 

Maybe you know the feeling? 

“Unless I have something wonderful, game-changing and profound with professional photographs, it’s not worth doing”.

Hey I even plastered this Charles Dickens quote over my CV a while ago: “anything worth doing is worth doing well.”

Which it turns out, may not have come from Charles Dickens but Philip Stanhope, 4th Earl of Chesterfield. It’s officially this: “Whatever is worth doing at all, is worth doing well.”

A good idea but, in some people, the concept behind it can stop us from even trying. 

I used to blog all the time. I started it back in 2008, which is a long time in Blog-Land! 

The words flowed on whatever theme struck me – faith, ancient history, call-to-arms to fellow writers, some DIY and lots of opp0shopping related posts.

Then I guess I stopped writing because I started to categorise more than create. I started to overthink it.

Thoughts began to circle like, “Hmmm… where does this fit?” And worse, “Does this go with my brand?”

The more I categorised (and got lazy) and thought, the more fearful I became. Of having a voice. And writing to “only add value” to people’s lives, not just post “content chaff”.

I think by now you’re sensing my realisation: I was too hard on myself. I was too hard on my poor blog. 

Blogs are meant to be alive, imperfect, changing and usually – not fitting within any prior categories. (And the fix is easy, just make another category.)

Hey, this photo depicts a person blogging from space even… you never know! I’m leaving all options open.

Photo by Tom Leishman on Pexels.com

I’ll leave you with what I realised, and I hope it may help you too:

Who am I decide what is “adding value” to someone’s life?

How can I judge what might resonate with a reader I may not have ever met? 

Such is the power of writing, of words – and only one thing is needed for us writers: to have the courage to press Publish. Let’s do it!

Ode to Waterfalls and Bird Seed

It started with birdseed.

It was there on the side table of our accommodation, next to the usual travel brochures about the area – it caught my eye. 

A container brimmed-full of birdseed, with a gentle instruction to feed the morning birds – cockatoos and king parrots.

Continue reading “Ode to Waterfalls and Bird Seed”

The Sparkle Volleyball of Creativity

Creativity makes more creativity. 

It is a never-ending sky of beauty and innovation, birther of ideas, inventions and the little tweaks of life which can bring so much joy.

It is a tool, meant for good. I’m also learning it is a tool which is meant to be shared.

A volleyball to toss to another person – the opposite of a poison ball – which begins to then inspire, even change its holder.  I’m coining it sparkle volleyball!

Continue reading “The Sparkle Volleyball of Creativity”

Beanie’s Book Review 🐾 – The Baggage Handler

Beanie (and I) recently read The Baggage Handler by South Australian author David Rawlings.

I met David at this year’s Omega Writers’ Conference, where he ran a brilliant workshop on managing time while juggling different aspects to writing. Continue reading “Beanie’s Book Review 🐾 – The Baggage Handler”

A Glass Factory Turned Café… And My Grandma

I sit here today in a thriving café. The good old whirr of the coffee machine, glass cupboards full of little bits and little posies in water on every wooden table.

Meal comes out. The pink rose petals scattered across the usual avo toast suspect matches my pink herbal tea. Succumb to obligatory social media photo. Continue reading “A Glass Factory Turned Café… And My Grandma”

Silence Speaks

Reflections on a weekend of silence

As I write this, I am sitting in a café drinking pineapple juice and it feels lovely on my throat. My throat – let me tell you about what happened, and I’ll do my best to make it interesting.

How did I lose my voice?

I couldn’t believe it happened to me but pirates came and took it away from me for a few days; they didn’t even leave a business card. Continue reading “Silence Speaks”